
My God is Personal Part I
Thursday, June 22, 2023 by Lynne Stevens

I am His happy idea! He created me and made it possible for me to have life on planet earth. He created me for purpose as well as for pleasure. As I continue to walk with Him and learn His ways, His plan for my life becomes known to me. With God, life just gets better and better.

With God

•   I am never alone!

•   I can call on Him in times of need.

•   I can have His joy always even in the midst of trials!

•   I can live out of love and not out of fear.

God is for Me

•   I can turn to Him for guidance on all matters large or small and know that He will direct me rightly.

•   He is GOOD; He is ALWAYS FOR ME, never against me, no matter how I perform.

•   He is my greatest highest love; He will never reject or forsake or speak ill of me.

•   He will put into place events I could never have imagined to make my life better.

•   I can receive His healing if it is His plan, if I ask for it and am willing to receive it, and at times am willing to be patient.

•   His precious son Jesus gave His life for me so I can live forever (e.g., have eternal life with God).

God Through Me for Others

•   I can have purpose in life by being His hands and heart and feet.

•   By doing for others I will be rewarded in ways I could have never imagined although the reward is not the goal.

Who Would not Want This?

Most people don’t realize that they can have a relationship with God. What they are missing!

Justo L. Gonzalez defines personal in this way: “To say that God is personal is to say that God relates to us and to the world in much the same way as a person relates.”[1] Leonardo Boff states “The modern notion of person is basically that of being in relationship; a person is a subject existing as a centre of autonomy, gifted with consciousness and freedom.”[2]

Because God is personal, we can have a relationship with Him. Many of my Christian friends and I do relate to God in a personal way and to each of God the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Like any relationship, a relationship with God takes time to cultivate; but it is well worth the effort. A person wanting relationship can tell God of their desire to know Him, can read his Word, can live with awareness so as to know when He is communicating, and then can actually spend time being with Him. Being grateful for His presence in your life and for what you have, prayer, and praise and worship all contribute towards having a relationship with God.

Who would not want this beautiful way of living? From my perspective, life in relationship with God is sweeter, more joyous, happier, and provides more opportunities to become more authentically who you were created to be.


[1] Justo L. Gonzalez, A Concise History of Christian Doctrine (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2005), 88.

[2] Leonardo Boff, Trinity and Society (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1988), 115.

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