Look What God Can Do

Would you like to find your way to a personal relationship with the Lord? Knowing Him is the way to inner peace and to finding the wonderful life God intends for you. Look What God Can Do was written to help you find Him and His goodness. This is a book about love, the love of God for His children. If He can restore Lynne’s life after the tough things that happened to her, He can do that for anyone. And He wants to!

Lynne and her parents came to bring a focus to the issue of incest and even more importantly to the goodness of God. This memoir tells of the kinds of difficult experiences children who grow up with incest endure and how it can affect their lives. Although she didn’t see it, God was always there making things better. Once Lynne became a born-again believer, Holy Spirit began a process of real inner healing in her. She learned that the side effects from her childhood of stuffed feelings, anger, rejection, depression and the like, didn’t need to be her life companions and how to get past them as well as how to live the life God had for her.

She found the goodness of God and details keys for getting to know Him for those who are ready. God is faithful! Nothing can match His love. Get saved and stay saved, and life will go well if not always the way you expect. Keep your eyes on the Lord one day at a time following the Holy Spirit. Read the Bible. Honor your Creator! You will never regret it!!!

The book is written in three parts:

PART I: What Happened to Me

How I was badly hurt from before I was born until I left high school. God was always with me and cared for me often in ways I didn’t see or acknowledge until much later.

PART II: How God Healed Me

God had a plan for the author’s life and found a way to direct her back to it by taking her job! Her desperation sent her to Faith Worship Center where God began to restore her life and get her back to that wonderful plan.

Part III: The Goodness of God

It is impossible to overstate the goodness of God. He is WITH us. He is FOR us. He LOVES us.

Please read this book; it will change your life!Buy From Amazon